About Me

My name is Tosin Dairo, a 
Health Data Scientist 
with a Veterinary Medical 
background. I am passionate and driven 
towards scaling tech-health companies

After several failed attempts at 
bootstrapping and scaling as a tech 
entrepreneur in the health domain, 
I recently cofounded a tech health 
company that helps the blind read, 
which was admitted on the Facebook 
FB start accelerator program.
I believe in a world where 
data analytics, decentralisation and 
machine learning research 
innovations would help to 
proffer a disruptive wave in 
the tech health industry.

Not long ago in the past about 2 
years ago, I led a social group 
and explored entertainment logistics
and talent management during my undergrad. 
Anchored a range of extra-curricular 
activities and social events.

Current research: Using NLP and 
deep neural networks to explore 
automated database generation. 
If your interesting in discussing 
this topic, hit me up on my socials.

Specialties: Data Modelling with RDBMS; 
Statistical and Predictive Modelling; 
Data Visualisation; Building Dashboards 
and Chatbots; Model deployment as API; 
Web Development; Natural Language 
Processing; Machine Learning
Tools: R; Python; Django; Flask; 
Rmarkdown; Blogdown; Shiny; GGplot; 
Plotly; MongoDB; MsSQL; MySQL; 
Tableau; Spacy; NLTK; Pytorch; 
SciKit Learn; Fastai; Tensorflow